Avatar is selling like craaaaaaaaazy!!!!
Ever since its release on the same day as Earth Day on April 22, 2010, the movie has been doing extremely well in sales all over the globe.
It has become the fastest selling Blu-ray, selling 2.7 million copies and 6.7 million have been purchased altogether!!
The Dark Knight, was the previous record holder for the fastest selling Blu-ray with 2.5 million copies in 18 months where Avatar only took days to sell 2.7 million.
Word on the street is a 3D version is set to hit Blu-ray early next year and the people behind the movie just want to wait until more households own the 3D equipment. Additional special features will be included with the 3D release, how exciting!
So have you gotten your copy of Avatar or are you willing to wait until next year for the 3D version?
Let me know!
Rose :)