Thursday, December 31, 2009
here's to closing out 2009!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Update! Update!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sex and the City 2 Spoilers
You can possibly tell from my subhead that I am a huge fan of Sex and the City!
The filming of the second movie is underway and a whole bunch of spoilers have emerged everywhere from blogs to newspapers to fashion magazines.
I love love love spoilers, therefore I have decided to share them all with you. Enjoy!
- Stanford and Anthony (rivals all throughout the show) are trying to tie the knot with Liza Minnelli as there entertainment. But there are pictures of Samantha in a wedding dress as well, could there be a double wedding in the sequel?
- Due to the recession, Big (John) loses a lot of money and takes a job in London. He gets lonely and hits a low in London and goes back to his womanizing ways and sleeps with another woman. Right after Carrie leaves him, she discovers she is pregnant with his baby.
- There is going to be flashback scenes which take the girls to their days in the 1980s where Carrie Bradshaw showcases her inner Madonna with her elaborate outfits.
- Other than New York City, the women will be filming in exotic Morocco and London, England.
- Samantha Jones’ will have trouble paying for all her luxuries after some of her investments are in a slump and she has to figure out how to budget her life.
- As Samantha is the oldest out of the bunch, she hates facing her actual aging body; therefore she starts to take anti-menopause diet pills to stop her from menopausing.
- Smith Jerrod (James Lewis) DOES appear in the Sex and the City sequel dispite Smith and Samantha’s break up in the first movie.
- Penelope Cruz, Katie Holmes, Miley Cyrus, and Bette Midler will all have a guest appearance in the movie.
- There will be less wardrobe changes in the second movie than the first movie.
According to Intouch Weekly:
- Carrie and Big could be headed for yet ANOTHER split when they become victims of the recession, losing so much cash that they have to move in with Charlotte and Harry! All ends well, though, with Big traveling to the Middle East for business and ultimately recovers their fortune.
- Samantha believes her cancer has resurfaced and she goes back to Smith Jerrod realizing that she's still in love with him.
- Miranda makes a huge life-change leaving her career as an attorney once she is sued for malpractice. Instead she and husband Steve open a restaurant together.
- As for Charlotte and Harry, their marriage hits a rough patch after Charlotte suspects Harry of cheating and moves out of their Park Avenue digs! That doesn't turn out to be the case since Harry is actually sneaking around with the contractor building Charlotte's dream home as a surprise!
We basically get the gist of the whole plot so now all we really need is our movie that is set to be released in May 2010, that’s only 6 months and some day. I can’t wait, I’m so excited!
For Sex and the City 2 set pictures, CLICK HERE
Rose :)
Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Yes, I'm one of them...

What am I exactly? A Twi-Hard!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sky high ratings for Miss O!

On Monday November 16, former Vice-President candidate Sarah Palin was interviewed on the The Oprah Winfrey Show and was a complete hit!
She racked in the highest ratings for the queen of talk in two years, even beating out Oprah's interview with Whitney Houston.
“Monday's episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" drew a 8.7 household rating and 13 share -- the best since Winfrey had the entire Osmond family on the show in 2007.
That means Palin also topped Winfrey's heavily viewed interviews with Whitney Houston at the start of the season.”
Palin is currently on a book tour promoting her new book, “Going Rogue,” that came out on Tuesday.
Palin even invited Johnston to Thanksgiving dinner at the Palin house where Johnston, in an interview with another source, said, it was “a nice gesture, but she didn’t mean it.”
Oprah and Palin also discussed why Winfrey decided not to interview her during the 2008 presidential campaign because of Winfrey support for Barack Obama.
Oprah asked Palin whether or not she felt offended and snubbed over not being on the show during the presidential campaign and Palin responded and said, “No Offense to you, but it wasn’t the center of my universe.”
Rose :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
How influential are you on Twitter?

I found the following to be pretty fun and interesting.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Oprah is Cheap-O-supreme-O: FALSE ALLEGATIONS

Apparently, a couple months ago Oprah told her viewers they can tip their waiters just 10 percent, due to the lousy economy. Right now the Facebook group has 52,000 members. Here’s what one server in the group had to say about the incident:
I am a mother of two young girls whose husband has been out of work since January! Since Oprah opened her big fat mouth the money at my work has been horrible! How dare her tell people such a thing! I hope she is happy that my girls won't have the Christmas they deserve thanks to her stupid comments and all the stupid PEONS that listen to her!!!!
"It is obvious that Oprah has never worked for tips. Servers are not guarantee a living wage in Missouri. It is easy for the very rich to take from the struggling folks, no skin off her nose. 10% was not a good tip 15 years ago what is she thinking, whoops shes not! I say we request she spend a few days waiting tables, then lets hear her tune!"
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Not that the movie needs it, but.....

The second installment of the Twilight Saga, New Moon, is only a couple weeks away and it seems like I have seen the whole movie already with the amount of “previews” that have been released by Summit over the last couple of months.
But I am certain that won’t hurt all the Twilight fanatics from going to see movie once it comes out Friday, November 20, 2009.
Not that this movie needs anymore publicity since it is going to be a given hit (I’m going to watch it at least twice, yes, I am one of those Twilight obsessed people), but I have a few ideas of what would get their movie more buzz. This includes:
· Since Rachelle Lefevre was fired and replaced by Bryce Dallas Howards for the character of Victoria, it was rumored that she would not be attending the premier. But to much speculations, Lefever will be attending the premiere of the movie she was fired from, and is actually very excited to see the movie and is excited to see all her former cast mates. I just think, wouldn’t it be great if she was there and just bashed Summit Entertainment (the studio in charge of the whole saga) in a couple of interviews during the premiere? How hilarious would that be, but she is probably super nice and wouldn't do that :(.
· Wouldn’t it be awesome if Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart FINALLY went public with their off-screen romance at the premiere of the movie? Now that would be the ultimate publicity stunt to boost movie ratings. Do you guys agree? Well at least I think so.
Movie comes out Friday, November 20, 2009 at theatre near you. For those of you in Winnipeg, see you there!
Rose :)
Monday, November 2, 2009 Letterman's case, sex does sell!

A lot of bad things could have happened to David Letterman's career after his sex scandal broke out, however that really isn't the case for him.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Chuck E. Cheese, the not so friendly restaurant!

For me, Chuck E. Cheese was a place “Where a kid can be a kid!”, one of their official motto's.
Remembering the days of life-sized animals coming out of their cages and walking and strolling around the restaurant and playing’ with little kids.
The days when you would able to enjoy your pizza with your family and friends and you were the coolest kids on the block because you would be have your 7Th birthday there and no other kid in your class could compare.
The days where our parents would show how much they loved us by fishing us out of the ball pen where it smelled like hardcore pee.
I would have to say the kids today are not having the same fond memories as I used too.
Lately, Chuck E. Cheese has been in a not so “kid friendly” environment after what’s been going down in their restaurants this past year.
Let me give you a rundown of the events that have been going on at Chuck E. Cheese:
1) In Susquehanna Township, Pennsylvania that cops were called to the restaurant a whopping 12 times in the past year. These calls have been due to disorderly conduct, assault, and theft, which lead to 13 arrests where one person was a juvenile. The year before that the police made 18 visits to the restaurant.
One reason the police were called to the restaurant was after a man asked two women to keep the obscenities at a minimum around the kiddies. A 36-year-old and a 17-year-old were arguing with the man in front of the kids where they proceeded to throw their drinks at him, punched him and struck a manager in the face when he tried to step in the confrontation, all according to the police.
According to a witness, "We were standing there and machines almost got knocked over. The one waitress, she went in and said three guys were coming at her."
What did Chuck E. Cheese have to say about this? Well they said, “"Chuck E. Cheese is proud to offer a safe and fun family experience to many people in this area."
Ya, right?
2) In Wilmington, North Carolina a 35-year-old man by the name of Oliver Shawndell Bragg was arrested for robbing a local Chuck E. Cheese at gunpoint! (What?! Who robs a Chuck E. Cheese)
He never actually showed the gun, but threatened the Chuck E. Cheese clerk that if she didn’t turn over the dough, she’ll shoot her. (Probably with her fake gun).
He got his dough and sped off on his bike.
Wow he must have super dumb to think no would catch him on his wheels.
Surveillance video of what happened was broadcasted on local stations and one person who immediately recognized him called police right away.
3) A 3-year-old girl was left alone at a Chuck E. Cheese in Maryland.
Who in their right might forgets a child?
The little girl was found alone at the restaurant around 7:00 p.m. where she said she came to the restaurant earlier that day with her Uncle Damon.
Other occurrences have been 4-year-olds have been assaulted, booze has been sold to minors, children have been hit by chairs, and employees have been robbed at gunpoint and someone even died.
And yes! This has all happened at Chuck E. Cheese locations across the U.S.
What is wrong with this restaurant?
Chuck E. Cheese better have a hell of a good PR group to get them out of this mess!
Rose :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Joe Jackson takin' advantage of his son's death, AGAIN!
Joe Jackson is estimated to make $250,000 by introducing screenings for the upcoming film This Is It, the Michael Jackson film.
He will be doing this at select screenings in England where he will also be telling stories about his son.
I'm sorry, but this man doesn't have a heart to care about anything else other than cashing in the big bucks.
I do not know what goes on in his mind, but I know that any opportunity he can find to make some cash, even the death of his own son, makes him a totally lame excuse for a human being and especially a father.
He should be ashamed!
Rose :)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Lohan called "an embarrassment"

Lindsay Lohan was hired last month by fashion designer Emanuel Ungaro to be his artistic advisor.
However, Lohan has been dubbed "an embarrassment" at the new Emanuel Ungaro collection show this past weekend.
Along with head designer Estrella Archs, Lohan has spent the last couple weeks putting a line together for the show that debuted on Sunday, Oct 4 during Paris fashion week.
She shed tears of emotion as she walked down the runway and admitted it was "the hardest thing I’ve ever done."
U.S. fashion reviewers were fast to critic the show, The New York Times said, dresses that appeared to be painted on left "several people in the audience aghast." While a Women's Wear Daily reporter suggested that Lohan should go back to her acting roots and being young and pretty isn't enough to be in the fashion industry.
Wow, some hurtful words.
Way to bring an actress down when she is already at her lowest!
Rose :)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Kaboom! Another bomb dropped on SNL
Just a week ago, newbie Jenny Slate dropped the F-Bomb on air, this week, Lady Gaga let the S-Bomb explode on stage.
However, there's a catch.
NBC nor SNL will have to pay the FCC for the bomb drop because it occurred during a "safe harbour" period which, according to the FCC means, "Indecent or profane speech that is broadcast between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. is not actionable."
I think there should be a book about the seven profane words NOT ALLOWED to be said on air, before guests, actors, and singers actually go on-air, just sayin'.
Rose :)
Yet another apology.
Well on his show last night, he finally did.
With a more serious tone and stance regarding the situation, Letterman said he has hurt his wife "horribly." He continued by saying, ""If you hurt a person, and it's your responsibility, you try to fix it ... so let me tell you folks, I have my work cut out for me."
He also apologized to his staff for all the attention they are receiving from the journalists, TV personalities, and the media about this situation and says he is not having sex with anyone in his staff now and its a situation of the past.
Oh Dave, hopefully this will soon blow over.
Rose :)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Jokes on you!
On The Jay Leno Show:
"If you came here tonight for sex with a talk show host, you've got the wrong studio,"
"What is going on? First Conan hit his head, and then somebody tries to extort money from Letterman. I'm so glad I'm out of late night."
On Late Night with Jimmy Fallon:
"There's a new book out called "Why Women Have Sex" that says there are 237 reasons why women have sex. And folks, Letterman knows the top 10."Let's see how long these late night roasts last for.
Rose :)
It's all clear from here!

No one from the cast showed up for their day in court, therefore forfeit the money from their bond which they had previously paid for bail.
I guess with all that money, Monroe County Jail decided not to press on with the charges.
And hey, the show is still doing pretty well for itself.
Rose :)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Letterman blackmailed over affair, comes clean.

After his opening monologue on Thursday's Late Night with David Letterman, Letterman openly admitted having affairs with female employees that work for him and that someone is extorting him over the affairs.
He explained with a bit of seriousness and humour that about three weeks ago he received a package in the mail that threatened and said if he doesn't pay him $2 million he will have all his affairs made public.
Letterman explained how he went straight to is attorney about the case and they immediately arranged a meeting with the individual who has threatened to extort him, who we now know to be Robert J. Halderman, a producer for the show "48 Hours" also on CBS. At the meeting, Halderman reiterated his intentions of revealing the information as well as he was going to write a book about Letterman's affairs. Letterman said that he gave Halderman a "phony" $2 million cheque to keep his mouth shut and later said Halderman has been arrested after a warrent was issued.
That Thursday morning, Letterman went before a grand jury on the issue and said that it was something he had never thought he would be doing in his life and while being there his acknowledged his sexual relationships with female co-workers at the show.
Letterman said, "Yes i have. Would it be embarrassing if it were made public? Perhaps it would. I feel like i need to protect these people. i need to certainly protect my family."
According to the Associated Press, Halderman has been charged with attempted grand larceny after allegedly giving the "Late Show" host an ultimatum to pay him $2 million or else he were to have the affairs made public.
CBS issued a statement on Friday in regards to the issue:
"CBS was made aware of an ongoing police investigation involving David Letterman and an employee at '48 Hours' who was subsequently arrested yesterday on charges of attempted grand larceny in the first degree," a rep for the network tells ET. "CBS is cooperating fully with the authorities and the employee has been suspended pending the results of the investigation. Mr. Letterman addressed the issue during the show's broadcast last night, and we believe his comments speak for themselves."
Letterman never reveals who these female co-workers are, but some suspect one of them could have been his former assistant Stephanie Berkitt who actually used to work with Halderman on the show "48 Hours" and had dated and lived with him.
Halderman pleaded NOT guilty to the allegations that he tried to extort money from Letterman. He has since posted bail at a $200,000 bond.
Letterman turns the tables on Halderman and admits to the allegations of the affair, he was the first to get the information out and he took hold of the situation, which calls for some good PR, I would say.
Rose :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Cha Cha Flash!!

On Yesterdays episode of So You Think You Can Dance, contestant #22036 exposed a lot more than her dance talent.
After falling on stage, over a million viewers got a very very revealing peak underneath #22036's dress.
Apparently she forgot something before heading on stage for her audition, HER UNDERWEAR!
So I'm guess the people at FOX weren't paying close attention before this went on air.
Judge and Executive Producer Nigel Lythgoe told TMZ: "None of us knew she did this. The show was always designed to expose talent, but not in this way."
Haha, oh great response Mr. Lythgoe.
To judge for yourself, CLICK HERE
Rose :)
Screeechin' out!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Season Premiere F-Bomb
The skit featured host Megan Fox as well as Kristen Wiig where both played biker chicks along with Slate. It was obvious the line should have been "I fricken love you for that", but rather the F-word came out of Slate's mouth instead..Woops!
As Fox was saying her thank yous and closing out the show, you could see Seth Meyers giving Slate a hug, probably hoping that she won't get fired after her first show.
Anyways, here is the video of her little slip up from yesterday's show:
Rose :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Kramer's going to Curb your Enthusiasm
He will be appearing in an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm with some former Seinfeld cast mates such as Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Jason Alexander.
Richards also graces the cover of Entertainment Weekly this month.
This could be a good turn around in his career, since its been in the slumps for the past three.
No more racist comments from you Kramer and you'll do fine!
Rose :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Well, well, well....
On Wednesday, Chris Brown started his 180-days of community service in his hometown of Virginia.
Here's the video, courtesy of the Associated Press:
So, what do you guys think, do you think 180-days of good service will increase his good boy image after what happened last February?
Rose :)
A new promotions strategy? Perhaps.

Six cast members of The Vampire Diaries, a new show that premiered on CTV Thursday, Sept 17, are already in trouble with the law!
Nina Dobreva, Candice Accola, Kayla Ewell, Krystal Vayda, Sara Canning, and Tyler Schields were booked for disorderly conduct after being a part of a irregular photo shoot in Georgia.
Several motorists called 9-1-1 claiming women were danger and other bystanders claimed that these women were flashing motorists off the I-75 bridge in Smarr, Georgia.
They were all released the same day they were detained after paying a $1,000 bond.
They're lucky there show doesn't suck so far...
But you have to wonder if this will be good for there show or will it bite them in the neck (haha get it!). I guess we all have to tune in next week and see how there show does.
Rose :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
President Obama: "He's a Jackass"
Yes, even the President thinks the Louis Vuitton Don was wrong to pull such a stunt. But hey, the president is only human and he is allowed to have an opinion. He even joked at the end of the audio clip, thinking his "jackass" comments may possibly erupt in the media like the time he killed a fly and got in trouble by PETA.
To hear the audio clip, CLICK HERE
and here is the video of Kanye's 'sincerity' last night on the premiere of the Jay Leno Show.
UPDATE: After Tayor Swift appeared on the View this morning, she told the ladies of the show, he has not called her and made an apology. After the taping of the show, Kanye personally called the country songstress and apologized for his actions!
Rose :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
The day after the drama...
Check out these Twitter updates courtesy of TMZ:
Pink: Kanye west is the biggest piece of s**t on earth. Quote me. Beyonce is a classy lady.I feel for her, too.Its not her fault at all, and her and taylor did their thing. And douche bag got kicked out. HA.
Joel Madden: WOW Taylor Swift's first VMA and she didn't even get to ENJOY it. Kanye You were just a bully on that one man.
Adam Lambert: Kanye needs to chill. He freaks out every year. It ain't that deep man.
John Mayer: Big love to my girl @taylorswift13. A class act.
Kelli Pickler: Tator Tot, you handled yourself with Grace. Kanye, go grow some f-ing b*lls bitch! don't mess w/my lil sis!!
Since the incident last night, Kanye has posted two apologies to Taylor Swift. The first one was up only for a couple of hours last night, but was mysteriously taken down and his blog page was inaccessible. The second one was issued today and had a Ben Stiller "Focker" reference to describe his emotions.
#1 (screen cap courtesy of MTV)

I feel like Ben Stiller in "Meet the Parents" when he messed up everything and Robert De Niro asked him to leave... That was Taylor's moment and I had no right in any way to take it from her. I am truly sorry.
Rose :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
O-to the M-G!
Kanye West jumped on stage when Taylor Swift accepted her award for best music video and totally took away Taylor's shining moment. He protested that Beyonce should have won that award and she had the best music video! Big D-bag move, Kanye!
Here is the video with what went down:
But true to form, Kanye is putting himself in the spotlight again for all the wrong reasons. Lets see how he is going to get out of this slump.
But for the meantime, let me take you back to another awkward moment for another actor, all because, yes you guessed it, Kanye West.
A little "George Bush doesn't care about black people." anyone?
Rose :)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New New Moon Trailer LEAKED!
I seriously can't wait until November 20, I am counting down the days until the premiere.
Rose :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Actions speak louder than tweets!
So everyone knows what happened between Rihanna and Chris Brown earlier this year.
If you don't, let me briefly refresh your mind: They went to a party, drove home together, Rihanna got a text from a friend, Chris stopped the car and demanded to see who that text was from, when she refused, he got angry. They got into a heated argument and he allegedly beat her. He has then been charged with domestic violence and was sentenced to five years probation, 180 of community labour and must enter a 52-week domestic violence counseling program.
Not fair in my opinion!
Anyways, to divert attention from this situation, Chris Brown has released photos of his newly renovated digs in his hometown of Virginia, showing the teenager in him.
Here are some pictures, courtesy of his Twitter page:

I think this a whole publicity act from Chris Brown's PR camp, he posts these pictures up on his Twitter page to show, hey, I'm still a kid, REMEMBER!
He is totally putting up a front showing the 19-year-old kid in him and finding ways to make the public forget all his wrong doings.
In my opinion, it is hard to forget someone who beats up there 20-year-old girlfriend and is publicly humiliated by it, especially when he fled to Virginia right after it happened and didn't address the issue for a whole two months.
It's hard to cover up your wrong doings Chris, looking like a kid again can't cover up your past actions. Sorry!
For more pictures, CLICK HERE
Rose :)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It's official! I have entered the world of blogging.
This blog will be dedicated to PR issues in the world of entertainment and entertainment in general. As a PR student in the Creative Communications program, I revolve myself around PR and PR related issues. From the world of to Perez Hilton, I must say, I am a fan of any kind of entertainment news, whether it is local or international, any entertainment is good entertainment.
So since I love the world of entertainment, I have decided to put two things I am passionate about together and start writing about PR entertainment. Taada :)
So welcome to my blog, stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy it in the long run.
While you're waiting for my next post, why don't you visit one of my favorite website for your daily dish, for entertainment that is:
Rose :)