For me, Chuck E. Cheese was a place “Where a kid can be a kid!”, one of their official motto's.
Remembering the days of life-sized animals coming out of their cages and walking and strolling around the restaurant and playing’ with little kids.
The days when you would able to enjoy your pizza with your family and friends and you were the coolest kids on the block because you would be have your 7Th birthday there and no other kid in your class could compare.
The days where our parents would show how much they loved us by fishing us out of the ball pen where it smelled like hardcore pee.
I would have to say the kids today are not having the same fond memories as I used too.
Lately, Chuck E. Cheese has been in a not so “kid friendly” environment after what’s been going down in their restaurants this past year.
Let me give you a rundown of the events that have been going on at Chuck E. Cheese:
1) In Susquehanna Township, Pennsylvania that cops were called to the restaurant a whopping 12 times in the past year. These calls have been due to disorderly conduct, assault, and theft, which lead to 13 arrests where one person was a juvenile. The year before that the police made 18 visits to the restaurant.
One reason the police were called to the restaurant was after a man asked two women to keep the obscenities at a minimum around the kiddies. A 36-year-old and a 17-year-old were arguing with the man in front of the kids where they proceeded to throw their drinks at him, punched him and struck a manager in the face when he tried to step in the confrontation, all according to the police.
According to a witness, "We were standing there and machines almost got knocked over. The one waitress, she went in and said three guys were coming at her."
What did Chuck E. Cheese have to say about this? Well they said, “"Chuck E. Cheese is proud to offer a safe and fun family experience to many people in this area."
Ya, right?
2) In Wilmington, North Carolina a 35-year-old man by the name of Oliver Shawndell Bragg was arrested for robbing a local Chuck E. Cheese at gunpoint! (What?! Who robs a Chuck E. Cheese)
He never actually showed the gun, but threatened the Chuck E. Cheese clerk that if she didn’t turn over the dough, she’ll shoot her. (Probably with her fake gun).
He got his dough and sped off on his bike.
Wow he must have super dumb to think no would catch him on his wheels.
Surveillance video of what happened was broadcasted on local stations and one person who immediately recognized him called police right away.
3) A 3-year-old girl was left alone at a Chuck E. Cheese in Maryland.
Who in their right might forgets a child?
The little girl was found alone at the restaurant around 7:00 p.m. where she said she came to the restaurant earlier that day with her Uncle Damon.
Other occurrences have been 4-year-olds have been assaulted, booze has been sold to minors, children have been hit by chairs, and employees have been robbed at gunpoint and someone even died.
And yes! This has all happened at Chuck E. Cheese locations across the U.S.
What is wrong with this restaurant?
Chuck E. Cheese better have a hell of a good PR group to get them out of this mess!
Rose :)